Drew Redding

Auto Blogger, Husband, Father

About Me

Greetings from Vancouver, Canada! I'm Drew Redding, a full-time private equity expert, devoted family man, and dedicated auto enthusiast. As I navigate the dynamic world of finance by day, my evenings and weekends shift gears towards a different kind of horsepower.

During the unprecedented challenges of 2020, I turned my lifelong love for cars into a beacon of connection amid global disconnect—I launched LemonBin.com. Initially created as a pandemic project, this comprehensive vehicle guide blog has transformed into a thriving community for car enthusiasts and prospective buyers.

LemonBin.com is a pit-stop on the information highway where I share expert car reviews, maintenance tips, comparisons, and trends. It's more than just a platform—it's a gathering place for passionate people to engage, learn, and connect. I'm here to help you steer confidently on the sometimes winding road of car ownership.

But the engine of my life runs on more than just fuel and finance. My most rewarding role is being a husband and father to two extraordinary kids. They are my true north, reminding me that life's most exhilarating rides are shared with the ones we love.

Join me as we navigate the roads of life together, from the peaks of financial investment to the thrill of the open road, and the heartwarming lanes of family life. Buckle up—it's a wild ride, but there's beauty in every mile.

Enjoy the journey!


Lemon Bin

Auto Blog, 2020-Present

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Drew Redding


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